About the company
The core of our Mission
The Official College of Social Work in Las Palmas protects the interests and rights of collegiate social workers, promoting their professional development and collaborating with public and private entities.
The challenge
The Official College of Social Work of Las Palmas used manual forms, which affected the efficiency and personalization of the service. The lack of a centralized system limited informed decision-making and the quality of the service. When the company started to use the CRM, the quality of the service was improved but the adaptation and navigation of the members to it was a pending issue, users were lost during some process.

The improvements our department desired…


Our process

Phase 1:
Empathize with users – Help us to help you
Research and Analysis – Tests carried out
This was the longest phase of this project. Since we immerse ourselves in the life and needs of our members. The Organization stands out for having a close relationship with its members, and it was an advantage that we did not want to lose, therefore we carried out exhaustive research, collecting quantitative and qualitative data through interviews, forms and web analysis.
Our objectives with the research were:
Understanding the user’s needs:
Understand the context of users’ use on the web, what they are looking for, what content they want to find and how they would like to be able to consume them.
Encouraging Innovation:
Obtaining ideas and suggestions for improvement to enrich the User Experience

Methodology for research
I guided the team through three different research methodologies to identify the pain points of our users and members, both on the web and in the services and contents of the College.
Questionnaire and survey
Group 1: Collegiate – Understanding professional needs
We sent by email a preliminary survey to know on a larger scale how often they used our website, to also ask what content and services they would like to find on it.
Group 2: Web users – Capturing the digital experience
On the other hand, we put a survey on our website with the same objective previously mentioned, but this time more focused on the web.

Group 3: Students – Exploring the future perspective
This group was key for us, they would take us to know how the new generation of Social Workers mindset, they usually have a fresh and updated perspective on current technologies and trends
Map of empathy
After the interviews and surveys we obtained a deep understanding of the groups that participated, this allowed us to clearly identify the areas of improvement and opportunities to provide a more satisfying and relevant experience for them.
Heuristic UX/CRO analysis
As a UX designer focused on improving conversion, I performed a heuristic UX/CRO analysis. This integrated strategy not only improved the user experience, but also boosted conversions, aligning our improvement to the collegiates with the objectives of the school to obtain a competitive advantage.

Phase 2:
Define the problem and devise creative solutions – Some of the problems detected
Here are the problems that were detected by areas and how we solve it.
Facing the dilema between the Web and CRM: Friends or Enemies?
One of the biggest challenges lay in the disconnection between our web platform and the CRM. Users were forced to navigate between independent systems, lacking the necessary information to make effective management. In addition, the manual process through forms added complexity to the workflow.

We opted for a symbiosis between both platforms. We eliminate the barrier between CRM and the web, looking for a smooth integration. The website became an information source, while the CRM focused on the operation, guaranteeing a more coherent and efficient experience for users.

The college and its value proposition:
Need to improve the experience and participation of the members in the college.

We are committed to creating the 360º care experience that provided value to the different groups of female colles in the different phases of their professional career, providing a series of services and resources that meet the needs of social workers.

Our new ecosystem
Now it was time to unify everything, leaving the collegiates at the center of everything, and that’s when we decided to make this ecosystem

How is the new website?
The new website presents a more intuitive and modern experience, with an attractive design and improved navigation. In addition, it offers a more organized and easy-to-understand structure, with well-categorized content and quick access to the different sections.
- Home page
- Virtual Administration
- Collegiate
- Civil service examintations
A Home page more interactive and close to the user.

- Problem: Creation of a website to promote the events that take place in the association.

- Solution of the project:
- New 360 care experience: This circle summarized the 6 most important stages that collegiates can experience at college giving the user the welcome highlighting the services and contents.
- Direct buttons to the most demanded procedures: Now, users can directly access the procedures they do the most, avoiding having to look for it in the CRM.
More efficient and autonomous management

- Problem: The virtual administration page presented unintuitive and visually unattractive forms, which made it difficult for users to understand the process and make their requests efficiently.

- Solutions::
- Management with support: A redesign was carried out that included a use guide to the most demanded managements of the school redirecting users to the CRM, increasing the autonomy of users and improving the experience.
- Improved support: FAQ and contact with the support team sections were included.
Revolutionizing the collegiate of Social Work

- Problem:Here we are working on totally changing the message, we wanted to unify all our setiviocs and contents in a 360 experience in which people understood the value of being collegiate, in addition to explaining the quotas better.

- Solutions:
- A 360 care experience:
- Improved and more attractive design.
- Detailed information about benefits and services.
- Team section to convey closeness.
- The quota – an investment in you and your future:
- Detailed explanation of quotas and incentives to boost conversion.
- Clear and transparent structure of information to facilitate decision-making.
Accompanying our colleagues in their success.
- Problemas: The page was extensive and lacked exclusive content for members. It didn't highlight the services or the 360 care experience. The lack of attraction of organic traffic was another key problem.
- Solutions:
We redesign our old page from Google Sites to our main website to provide a more complete and useful experience for the students.
- Centralization of resources and relevant content.
- Promotion of our training, specific for students.
- Quick access to the support.
Impact - Results
The results obtained after the redesign have been significant, improving both the user experience and the efficiency of the school. Some of the key metrics.
pages visited by user throughout the web
Reduction of bounce rate
increase visits to the pages of the memberships
Trabajar con Dafne es poder tener una fusión de profesionalidad y buenrollismo.

Dafne no crea la mejor web., hace algo mejor.
1/ He sido cliente en 2 proyectos de diseño web de diferentes tipologías y siempre ha cumplido los plazos.
2/ Su formación en UX nos ha ayudado a incorporar metodologías de innovación para incluir a usuarios en el proceso.
3/ Siempre ha traído varias soluciones a cada problema que ha surgido facilitando mucho nuestro éxito.